Peshawar High Court Restores PTI's Bat Symbol, Amir Mateen said that on court decision

Peshawar High Court Restores PTI's Bat Symbol, Amir Mateen said that on court decision

The courts remain divided, creating an impression that two and a half High Courts are opposed to one party, while the others are in favor. Questions arise about the adherence to the law in this scenario. Deciphering the judgments of the Supreme Court seems to hinge on scrutinizing the composition of the bench.

At times, the court commences proceedings overnight, while in other instances, it goes on vacation after prolonged delays, even in the face of a national crisis. Notably, lectures on the constitution, law, democracy, and fundamental rights are delivered. The juxtaposition of these actions raises concerns about whether the observed situation resembles a visible jungle kingdom.

The pressing question emerges: Are the courts more divided than ever, or is there an element of shamelessness in their conduct? This scrutiny reflects growing apprehension about the state of the judiciary, questioning whether it upholds principles of fairness, equality, and justice.

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