KP’s free solar system initiative has garnered 1.6 million registrations

KP’s free solar system initiative has garnered 1.6 million registrations

 According to the provincial energy department, more than 1.6 million people have signed up for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s free solar system initiative.

This ambitious scheme aims to provide solar power systems to 130,000 eligible individuals, divided into two phases of 65,000 beneficiaries each. To qualify for the free systems, applicants must be registered under the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP).

Officials shared that those who consume up to 100 electricity units per month will receive solar systems with a 50% subsidy. The total cost of each system is estimated to be around PKR 200,000. After the registration deadline, a thorough scrutiny process will begin to ensure eligibility and fairness in the distribution.


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